Celebrate Play Music on the Porch Day in Panama City
Play Music On The Porch Day knows that music is powerful and universal. It doesn’t matter if you play an Oud, a Guitarrón, a Nyckelharpa, or a Guitar. When you pick up your instrument and start to play the world disappears and you get lost in the sounds. We’re celebrating International Play Music on the Porch Day in Panama City to share Panama City’s local talents, passions, and music with the world.
The History Behind Play Music on the Porch Day
Street performance has long history dating back hundreds of years to the Medieval era. Busking was encouraged by local merchants and public squares to welcome visitors and shoppers. While not as popular today, the allure of a busker still has its effect on the public today, inviting visitors to public spaces and local storefronts to welcome their business. Play Music on the Porch Day invites musicians all over the world to revive that tradition every year on the last Saturday of August.
Where You Can Celebrate in Panama City
Stroll through St. Andrews and Historic Downtown Panama City to celebrate Play Music on the Porch Day. Local musicians are welcomed to storefronts and businesses to play live music. Browse the shops, grab a drink, share one with a musician, and enjoy our beautiful neighborhoods, shopping, and restaurants.
Historic Downtown Panama City
Saturday, August 27th from 2-4 PM
Throughout history, musicians have played and sung on porches, in yards and in the streets sharing their passion for music and storytelling with others. Historic Downtown Panama City invites music lovers to witness their effort in reviving this tradition with multiple artists slated to serenade at multiple locations. Visit the official Downtown Panama City Play Music On the Porch Facebook Event to find host venues and businesses.
Historic St. Andrews
Saturday, August 27th from 3-6 PM
Organized by Floriopolis Volunteers for THE LOVE OF MUSIC, Historic St. Andrews wants you to get out and enjoy seeing the porches of the gorgeous and salty Historic St. Andrews community come alive with music! The arts and culture of live music is a huge and authentic part of what locals do to #KeepStAndrewsSalty.
Visit the official StA Play Music on the Porch Day 2022 Facebook Event to find host venues and businesses.